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NWS KMYL - ASOS Observation (hourly; 2-day history) or call 208-634-7198 (automated current observation)


McCall Airport Webcam

May Marina Webcam

Johnson Creek Webcam - North

Johnson Creek Webcam - South

Redfish Lake Webcam

Indian Creek Webcams:  NorthSouth

Sulphur Creek Webcams:  East   South

Big Creek Webcams:  North    SoutheastSouthwest

Garden Valley Webcams: EastWest

Lower Loon Webcams:  NorthSouth  

Upper Loon Webcams:  NorthSouth

Root Ranch Webcams

Flying B Webcams

Brundage Ski Resort

Tamarack Ski Resort

Warren, Idaho Airstrip Live Webcam

Yellow Pine, Idaho Webcam Facing West

Council, Idaho Airport

Cascade Airport Webcam

Smiley Creek Webcam

Elk City Webcam

45 Ranch Owyhee, OR

NOAA - Weather


Recommended Survival Kit for our courses - Click here to be re-directed to the survival kit retailer we recommend.

Recommended reading on machine maintenance - How To Make Your Snowmobile Last Forever written by Tracy Graham